evolve FCU is your resource. Browse through our FAQ's that will guide you through any sudden event or changes that may affect your finances.
Powers of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is used on an existing account when an established member designates another person as their attorney-in-fact or agent. Before conducting a transaction, he/she must sign an Affidavit of Attorney in Fact/Agent.
- Designates another person as attorney in fact or agent.
- Is signed by adult principal.
- Contains the wording showing the principal's intent that the authority granted on the attorney-in-fact, or agent, shall be executed despite the principal's subsequent disability or incapacity.
- Is acknowledged by the principal before a Notary public who is authorized to take acknowledgements to deeds of conveyance and to administer oaths under the laws of any state.
Deceased Members
Processes will vary when one of our members passes away. Factors such as loans and whether the member was the primary account holder or joint will determine how the account is handled. Generally, a joint member, a family member or another representative notifies the credit union of a member's death.
Wire Transfers
Note: Outgoing wire transfer fees apply according to the Membership Plan (see fee Membership Plan and Fee Schedule). The receiving institution may apply an incoming wire transfer fee which may affect the final dollar amount deposited to the recipient.
Membership Plan & Fee Schedule
Note: Wiring instructions must be fully verified before they are sent. An evolve FCU representative may need to call to verify your information.
Transaction Disputes
From the main menu on your mobile app, tap on Messages:
- Tap on the blue pencil on the top right.
- Under Subject, type Dispute Transaction.
- Under Choose Attachment Type, select Transaction Record.
- Locate the transaction and tap on the box to the left. If multiple transactions are to be disputed, tap on each transaction.
Note: A transaction that is "pending" cannot be disputed until it posts to the account.
- Tap on Attach Selected Items at the bottom of the screen.
- Include a message with the reason for the dispute such as unauthorized or fraudulent.
- Tap Send.
From the main menu on Home Banking, tap on Messages:
- Click on New message on the top left of the screen.
- Under Subject, choose Account Support.
- Click Select Attachment Type on the top right of the screen.
- Locate the transaction and tap on the box to the left. If multiple transactions are to be disputed, tap on each transaction.
Note: A transaction that is "pending" cannot be disputed until it posts to the account
- Click Attach Selected Items.
- In Message body, state the reason for disputing the transaction such as unauthorized for fraudulent.
- Click Send.
Account Closing
NOTE: Only the primary account holder is allowed to close the account. A check will be mailed to the address on file unless requested otherwise.
The following information must be included in the letter:
- Date
- Primary account holder's name
- Account number
- A statement that you wish to close the account
- Copy of primary's valid identification
- Signature
If any of the items mentioned above are missing, the closing of the account will be delayed. To request deletion of your online banking account and data, please email us a signed request to info@westridgeparkapartments.com with your account number and username.
Members are encouraged to add a beneficiary to their accounts, especially for single-ownership accounts. He/she may choose to add the beneficiary later or change the beneficiary in the future.
Q. How do I add or change a beneficiary to my account?
A. Adding or changing a beneficiary to an account will require a new signature (account) card. The change will apply to the designated account (savings, checking, club accounts etc.) except for IRAs. The signature card needs to be complete and include the initials and signatures of all authorized signers. Email the completed form to info@westridgeparkapartments.com.
Q. What information do I need to provide about the beneficiary?
A. You need to provide the beneficiary's name, address, phone number, date of birth, and relation.
Q. How do I change the beneficiary to my IRA?
A. Contact the eBanking center at (915) 593-5866 to change an IRA beneficiary.
NOTE: You will need to provide the beneficiary's name, date of birth, social security number, and address.
Relinquish Form & Hold Harmless Agreement
NOTE: When the primary account holder submits a Hold Harmless Agreement, the joint owner will be removed from all shares (savings, checking, money market, etc.). A "co-borrower" on a loan may not be removed from a loan.
Completed Hold Harmless Agreements can be emailed to info@westridgeparkapartments.com.